Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

cerita 100 kata

·         Like Mother, Like Daughter
Mom threw me a gun. I stared at her in horror.
"Mary-Jane," she said "You are a woman. A woman is a mother. One day you would have to protect your children. Be brave and run!"
I ran without looking back, even when a shot instantly killed her.
Today I look at the gun in my hand, before throwing it to my only daughter.
She stares at me in horror.
I told her the exact thing as my mom did.
By the time she went running, they broke in. 
A gun shot followed with mom's dying silhouette flashes upon me.
·        Mrs. Morrison's Tale
I would never understand what happened at that time.
I mean there I was, just strolling by the city lake, when suddenly this…this vampire swooped down and--well, of course it was night! Have you ever seen a vampire by day?
So, anyway, this vampire came from God knows where, called me a conniving thief, punched me in the nose and snatched the brooch that I bought from a pawn shop that morning. And it was such a nice brooch, too; it looked like an antique heirloom.
Cape? Oh, no, he didn’t wear any. He clenched it in his hand.
·         Final Days
Day 5
The rumors were true, we met them today. They shambled jerkily towards us. 'Rigor mortis caused that,' said Geoffrey. We ran away and found this shelter.
Day 6
Geoff is dead. He was always the slowest, that poor bastard. Ten of them devoured him.
Day 7
Returned to bury Geoff, or what remained of him. Recognized his nose. He bit me, caught me by surprise, never thought he'd be a twitcher. Damn.
Day 9
Arms numb. Met more survivors. Their heads shining. Nice lights. Bright. Take darkness away. Hungry.
Day 10
Shining head stop hunger. Must get mo
·         You Jump I Jump!
Feet bound up on the 43-meters tower, about to put my life on a single rubber rope, I've never felt so close to God. 
Fuck adrenaline rush. It was pure fear. Eyes shamelessly closed, my high-pitched squeak can be heard from miles off as I went down. I was almost in tears when finally earth righted itself  and I could put my feet firmly on the ground. 
The demons of curiosity sated and once was more than enough. 
Then this stupid girl ran towards me, shouting with excitement, "Increeeeedible! Let's do it again!" 
I cursed that damned thing called pride.
·         Children are Starving
"I want to go where children are starving. Namibia or Kenya perhaps," blond Ingela said.
"It is not just hunger, dear Ingela. They’re orphaned by war and plagues that we adult create for them," said my other classmate, red-haired Marrissa. "I will go where the number of HIV infected people is the highest," she added confidently.
I could not think of any places where we can do our field research. Where we can save children or prevent them from being orphan, except the thought of my autistic son with his starving brain back home. Where he needs me the most.
·         Afterthought
Everything was dark. I reached out my hand, trying to feel my way. I can feel nothing. I saw a spot of light far away. I tried to reach it. My legs felt heavy. Why am I here?
Suddenly the tunnel shook. I was thrown to the side, and fell into the light. I heard someone called my name. I opened my eyes. It was the nurse. I remember everything now.
I looked around and saw the bandages around my chest.
"In a week, you'll have the body you wanted!" said she, annoyingly cheerful.
Is this really what I want?
·         A Mother's Love
"You'll always be my child."  Little did I know how those words would turn from comfort to justification to torment me beyond my wildest dreams. "Windi, it's in your best interest," she told me as I spoke to her from the psych wing of a hospital 2000 miles away from her. She'd called the police department and told them I was dealing drugs and delusional and might kill someone. First, they broke into my apartment only to find my terrified cat and red splatters in the bathroom, remanants of coloring my hair earlier in the day. The rest is history.
·         Take That
I had hoped he was giving up for the night, but instead he came out with his drill.  He's wanted his hammer, but he'd left it at the job, thank god.  He still managed to beat some good, deep chinks into the TV screen. I covered myself with the afghan that had been in my lap knowing I couldn't intervene or appeal to the man I knew was inside that drunken maniac.  He wouldn't recall it tomorrow and be on his best behavior, but there in the middle of the screen would be the evidence I rarely had. Finally, evidence.
·         The Gallery
"Can I help you, young man?" asked the venerable gentleman in front of the ancient gallery.
"Erm...," the young man seemed unsure, "is the gallery still open?"
"Of course," the old man smiled warmly and invites his young guest in.
Please, enjoy our collections, new ones will be added soon," he said, still smiling.
The young man walked around and made 'oohs' and 'aahs' noises of wonder as he passed most of the collection exhibited inside.
As he was walking towards the exit, the young man promised that he would tell all his friends that this gallery is still open.
·         Lonely Hearts Play Cards
My crush.
No use sending him signals anymore. He likes my darling best friend, not me. 
My sisters. 
Can’t contact them today. They’re busy with their darling lives. 
My friends. 
That one has a meeting. Another has a rehearsal. Another has a plan with darling boyfriend. Another has a possessive darling girlfriend. 
My dad. 
He’s busy. Working his ass off to feed his new wife and new darling daughter. 
My mom. 
She’s busy. Working her ass off to feed darling me now dad’s gone. 
Oh well. 
I pick up my darling cards. Shuffle them. Play poker with other solitary souls.
·         Best Friend
She ripped off the photo on her hand. 
“Men are bastards!” She cried. 
I looked at her sadly, knowing that nothing I say could make her feel better. 
I sat closer to her and let her know I am there for her. I never understand why she wastes so much time on those ungrateful bastards. I hate to see her crying to me every time her love episodes end. 
Doesn’t she realize that I, her best friend, am the only one who could love her unconditionally? 
She sighed and walked into the bathroom. 
I wagged my tail and followed her. 
·         One Fine Afternoon on the Serengeti
"Honey, I'm hoooome!" she crooned. 
He got up and lazily sauntered to meet her and mumbled, "Any food?"
"Sure." She answered cheerfully.
Ignoring her, he proceeded to eat on the spot, followed by his mate's stare. "Whaddaya lookin' at? It's my right!" He snapped
She cringed and stepped back. She was dead tired. She chased the food all over the neighborhood and the last thing she wanted to do is to fight over food.
"Leave some for the cubs," she pleaded softly. He shot her an angry glance.
She pretended not to see and threw her gaze over the savanna…
·         This is How I Learned My Colors
See the purples? Daddy made these by grabbing my arms while ripping off my clothes.
     But don't worry, it will fade out. 
See the blues? Mommy made these by beating me up when I wouldn't say I'm lying. 
     But don't worry, it will fade out. 
See the reds? Teacher made these with her iron ruler when I begged for help. 
     But don't worry, it will fade out. 
See the whites? The doctors made me see these for months. 
     But don't worry, it will fade out. 
See the black? I made this myself. 
     But this time it will not fade out. 
·         She Really Does Love Her Son
"It's freezing out there!"
"It's alright. I'm waiting for someone."
"My son. Tall, brown eyes and hair..?"
"No, sorry. How long have you been waiting?"
"Two years. I've been waiting 2 years now."
"And he said he was gonna meet you here?"
"I'm not sure. he said, 'i'll get you, bitch!' right after i stabbed him, right after he set his dad on fire."
"Uhm.. right. And you're waiting for...?"
"I'm waiting for him to kill me for stabbing him."
She looked at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Not a problem."
She didn't even recognized me.
That bitch!
·         Happy Thanksgiving
The weekend began with a longing.
A man walked down the street as I stared out the peeping hole on my door. An orange wooden door, which I am very keen of. 
The oven is calling. 
I cooked for you. For your admiration and adorement. 
I peeped. 
Still no you. 
Minutes passed. 
I peeped again. You came running from the corner. I opened the door. 
"Hi there, neighbor. Mmm..smells good! You cooked?" 
I nodded, smiled. 
"Well, Happy Thanksgiving! I gotta run along now. My wife is waiting for me." 
I nodded again. 
Someday I'm gonna kill your wife. 
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